Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fake Meat "Made in China"

Fake beef (left) and pork (right)

The issue of artificial eggs from China have recently heated. It still silent, China who is famous for its expertise to produce imitations once again has produced a new innovative to produce beef of pork.

Local media reported that beef flavoring extracts are sold in Shanghai and is used in the restaurant to make a fake beef. Cooking raw pork with additives for 90 minutes can give a sense of pork to beef. Here is the process of creating an artificial beef for 90minutes:
They used the chemical to process the pork to fake beef

This product has become very popular in a small Chinese restaurant in Hefei, Fujian, Jianxi and other places around the country, especially for beef which are two times more expensive than pork. Beef is sold at about 20 yuan, while the cost of pork is only 10 yuan. Some restaurant owners tend to buy a liter of "beef extract" for making artificial meat and use it to maximize their profits.

Mix with meat
Soon is ready

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